Tuesday 23 November 2010


Before starting work on our main media task, the first thing we had to decide was who and how many people we were going to have in a group, we were allowed up to four people and had the choice of working alone. I decided to not go with the same people i did in my preliminary task and instead joined a group with Amelia Hubbard, Katie Flatters and Honor Ireland.

Links to members of group.

As a group we then decided what we wanted our film genre to be, we chose thriller. Thriller is a genre of literature, film and television that uses suspense, tension and excitment as the main elements.
We thought this would be a good genre as it is relatively easy to make look realistic and there are a lot of other thriller themed films we can learn from.
It is also a genre we all enjoy to watch therefore, we feel we can get involved more, know what makes a good thriller and how to connect to the audience to make them want to watch on.

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