Tuesday 8 February 2011


After scripting we created a story board in order for us to gain a visual idea of how our filming would go.
We created characters on paint and presented the whole story board on a power point.

Below is a deconstruction of each slide we created. This will give a better view on how we plan our filming on going.

This is a scene of Katie in the bathroom talking to Honor who is in the bedroom.
Katie is being filmed at an angle so you can see her in the mirror but can still also see the back of her head and some of her face.
Honor is also shot from behind and is applying make-up whilst holding a conversation about the night with Katie.

Between Katie and Honor getting ready the lights then go off, obviously we then see nothing, however a few seconds later the lights come back on.
When Honor begins to carry on getting ready she then realises that she has lost one of her make-up brushes.
They think nothing of this at the time and Katie explains the lights go off every so often for a few seconds.
Katie then asks Honor to out some music on to lighten the mood.
In the next scene the lights then go off again, this time it makes Katie jump and she drops her toothbrush on the bathroom floor.
When she bends to pick it up the lights come back and in the mirror a hooded figure can be seen and then disappeares when Katie comes back up.
Katie is oblivious to the fact there was someone behind her and then the lights and the music go off for a final time.

Honor now begins to panic and is seen running downstairs looking for some light or a torch. Katie encouragers her to calm down.
They are both then seen in the games room and are arguing on who should go outside to check the genrator. Honor is convinced on not going and Katie is persuaded to do so even though she is not happy about it.

Match on action is then shown when Katie is walking out to the generator. It is dark and she is scared but is trying to be brave in order not to scare Honor.
She is shown walking from behind and walking towards the generator first.
She is then filmed face on until she enters the room where the generator is.
It is dark and eery and sets a tense scene.

Katie then walks towards the genertor, there are creepy noises and everything to Katie and even the audience is unclear adding to the thriller conventions needed within a film.
Katie is scene going into the room messing about with the generator and running out as she is so scared.

Without Katie then knowing someone followers her out of the room. She cannot she this person and it is even unclear to the audience. Leaving lots of questions and wanting to know who it is and whether they did this to them.

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