Tuesday 30 November 2010


This is the very first scene the audience see's when the film se7en opens. Along with the creepy music, the font used is white and shakey and gives the impression already that this film isn't a comfortable one to watch and almost mimics what the audience will feel and how their body will move.

This is then the second scene, as you can see the spooky font colour and movement of the words is carried through and continues to create a slight tension and a want for the audience to know what is going to go on already. The drawn hands on the squared paper seems strange and almost like something is being plotted/ trying to be figured out. This is a key device in a thriller movie.

This then is the next scene and is a close up of someones hand, it is almost so close that it could make the audience feel uncomfortable but at the same time make them want the camera to zoom out so they can see who it is. It also agian adds more creepyness as he is "shaving" the dead skin off of his hands.

The title of the film is shown in this next shot and again is in the same font and colour. The idea of using a '7' instead of an 'N' adds more questions of why that is a significant number, however if you have read the plot before you would know it was to do with the Seven Deadly Sins. On the other hand if you haven't it adds the importance of the number 7 within the film.

This next scene again like the scene with the carefully drawn hands suggests that the persons whos hands you see is plotting/trying to figure something out. He/she could be jotting down anything right now and the audience are clueless and again left with lots of questions

This is the next scene in the opening it shows someone markering out a older mans eyes and suggests whoever it is with the marker is looking for them or possibly already has them. Again the font colour and movement of the text is consistant and throughout builds up tension.

In this clip we presume that these hands are the same hands shown in a few scenes above. They are now clothed up and shown pinning pieces of paper together, we are not shown what is on the paper, which leaves questions the audience wants answered. All of the scenes lead us to belive this man is plotting something and not seeing his face adds to the suspence.

This clip then leads on from the last, this time the hands are actually sewing the paper together. This leaves the question "Why" why is he sewing the pieces together, it's not "normal" to do this and the audience always wonders what the writing says and why the paper is absoloutly covered in words. Again the camera is v ery close and doesn't give away much which again makes the audience on the edge of their seat.

This is the last clip in within the opening few minutes, it shows the person cutting the word God out of an American doller note. Again it leaves the audience with lots of questions. Why the word God? & why out of a note? This yet again builds up the tension and makes the audience want to watch on to find out why this person is doing all of this and what he actually looks like.

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