Tuesday 14 December 2010


This is the opening title to the film ALIEN3 and is a bold white on black print of the film name. Alien is a science fiction film and this font and layout suits the genre. It gives nothing away and comes across as a statement.

Here the point that the film is of a Sci-Fi genre is made clear. In this clip you can see two people (one unclear). As an audience we are not sure whether they are asleep or unconcious but it's clear they are in something that looks like an incubator. Adding to the convetions of what a Sci-Fi film.

This is then the next scene, it again fits with the Sci-Fi genre. It is dark and you can just see something which looks like a mutated plant. This is another convention of this type of convention. The plant also appears to be in some kind of incubator but is not totally clear.

The next scene shows a 'Aliens' hand, it's bony and creepy and again doesn't give a lot away. However the grates on the celing with the light shining through again make the film seem ever more Sci-Fi and adds to the creepy effect.

As an audience we don't know if this is the same bony hand as the one before however links to the first scene with the women in an incubator. It shows the characters and Aliens will have something to do with each other. It also leaves questions such as, Is it an experiment? Are they aware of where they are?

Another Sci-Fi convention is the film looking futuristic, in this scene i am unclear of what is actually being shown however it does look somewhat futuristic along with the other scenes. Here it appears that something has spilt or landed on some sort of material and left this greeny hole. However, we cannot see the bigger picture and it may be something clearer.

In this scene a Tv can be seen with something that resembles a skeleton on it. It again meets the conventions of a Ski-Fi movie being futuristic as you wouldn't always expect something like this in an Alien themed movie. It also leaves the audience with many questions such as 'What is this?' 'Where is this?'

Here again, the futuristic idea of the film is followed through.You can see that there is some kind of machinery and the idea of the light makes it look as if it's almost unreal and not quit realistic almost a fantasy world.

The next shot is then of a man who look unconcious you can also see something else within his face it almost looks like it's a machine on his face again relating to the convention of Sci-Fi movies breaking the laws of nature. Meaning this mans face could not actually be a machine.

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