Tuesday 11 January 2011


This is the opening scene for the comedy drama film juno. It automatically introduces us to a main character within the movie and is shown as a drawn moving picture. This gives of the idea that the film is aimed at a younger generation and is not going to be very serious. Again showing that the film is a comedy.

The next scene is still in this drawn effect and the cartoon like font is carried through when showing who is involved and introducing the film. The girl again is shown continuing her walk, this makes the audience wander where she is going, and what the relevance is.

This next scene again follows how the previous scenes are set out and still hasn't shown us the real person, only the 'drawn' one. This makes us wander if the film has actually started. However you will see when you have watched the film that she is in fact going somewhere specific and the film has began and her journey is relevant.

This next scene now lets us know who the character is. Her name is Juno. i.e the name of the film and therefore we learn she is the main character and it's a film about her mostly. Again she is just walking and we are yet to know where she is walking to. She appears to be in deep thought, yet we don't know what about.

As an audience this is just a scene that doesn't really mean anything. It is a view of a telephone pole with birds. This though may be representing the fact that even though it is a cartoon opening it is real and there are other people and things moving not just her.

In this scene we then see a closer shot of the character who seems to be more happy and has an almost satisfied look on her face. It almost seems like she's gone on this walk to think and then she's finally cleared her head, or came to a conclusion

Again like the scene a few screen shots above, this does not show the audience a lot. However it could represent the length and just in general her journey. The telephone pole could be the same as the one a few shots above and could be showing how far she has traveled.

This then shows her journey from a different camera angle walking through a town. She seems oblivious to the shops with the guitars in which makes us think again about what she is thinking about and whether she is worried/ has an important decision to make or whether she just needs time on her own.

This is then the last scene before the film finally begins to start quicker and we learn what is going on. It shows the girl finishing her drink, this might represent the fact that she has finished her journey or made her decision.

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