Tuesday 18 January 2011


The next stage within the process of creating our media film was to construct a list of questions in order to come to a conclusion about what an audience wants and how we should go about when creating the rest of our media work.

We asked 20 people questions we thought would help us with our thriller theme and have also created graphs in order to show our answers and results more clearly. From the results we are then able to continue with our filming and improve where needed.

We created a simple questionnaire in order to gain valid reliable results and so that people could complete it quickly and easily.

Question One

Our first question we asked was "What is your favourite genre of film?"
We asked quite an open question at the start in order to gain a knowledge of how popular thriller actually is and whether a majority of people would actually watch it.
As you can see from our results the most popular genre was horror closely followed by thriller which is a positive. this means thriller is popular.

Question Two
For question two we were unable to create a graph as it was an open ended question. We asked the 20 people why that was their favourite genre. We asked this and will only take account of the people who answered thriller in the previous question this is as we want to know why they like this genre, and to make sure we fulfil all the conventions of a thriller film.

Question Three
The third question we then asked was "What makes a thriller film?"

We asked this to gain a view on what people think should be included and what they would typically expect to be in a thriller film in order for us to not miss anything out.

As you can see the top three things people expect is something physiological, the unknown and the ability to make them jump. As we now have this information we will make sure we include these conventions in our film in order to meet the audiences need.

Question Four
Question Four was "What thriller film have you watched and enjoyed?"
We asked this in order to know which films we can be influenced by and which an audience enjoys watching most. This means we can learn from how they script and how their films are created etc in order to make our film as much as a thriller as possible.

Question Five
The last question we asked was "What are the main aspects of a thriller film?"
As you can see the top three answers were mystery, jumpy and confussion.
We as a group will take note of these opinions and make sure we think about them when planning and filimng out media. This way we are giving the audience what they want.

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