Tuesday 15 February 2011


After completing the film editing it was necessary for use to create a audience feedback questionnaire in order to find out what people felt about our film and how they thought we could improve. Once we gain results from the audience it will make it easier to evaluate our film as we will have the audiences opinion and won't be able to make bias comments about it ourselves. The questionnaire allowed us to find out how much our film lived up to the typical thriller conventions and enabled us to gain a knowledge on camera use and lighting etc this means we could improve further on any other media filming we did in the future.

Below are the results and evaluations of our questionnaires;

Question One
After watching our film did you feel it met the conventions of a typical thriller film, briefly explain why.

We gained many mixed answers here, below are the answers listed.

"Mostly, what conventions are included are good, some are missing though."
"Yes because it made me want to watch more due to the physiological effects"
"Yes, it was tense especially at the end when the scary person walked out after the young girl"
"Yes, because it matched the thriller conventions of tension and suspense"
"A little it was dark and eerie at some points and did create some tension"
"Yes because it created suspense with the person in the black hoody in the background"
"Yes because it had suspense and the supernatural"
"sometimes, needed a little more suspense"
"Yes, met a psychological thrillers conventions, strange things happening etc"
"Yes, it was eerie and tense"

From these results we can see that the majority of people we asked agreed that it met the conventions of a thriller film, with only a couple of people saying it needed more. This is positive feedback as it means we've created and planned our thriller correctly and it will meet the needs of people who enjoy watching thriller films.

Question Two
After watching out opening scene do you think we have maintained a steady. professional use of the digital camera

Yes - 6
No - 1
Mainly - 3

As you can see from our results 60% of people that we asked agreed that we maintained a steady professional use of the camera. This is positive as it means that most people found it easy to watch and thought it was a smooth use of the camera.

Although the majority agreed with us a couple of people we asked answered no, this could be as they had a higher expectation of standard as they may be expecting the quality you get in a released film. Along with this though 30% said that the camera use was steady most of the time, meaning we may have only slipped up a couple of times.

Question Three
If possible could you briefly explain what you think will happen within the rest of the film

Again we gained mixed answers to this question, they are listed below;

"The two girls get kidnapped, only one escapes and other dies"
"Scary figure will continue to follow them, hurt them etc they will keep trying to escape"
"In the rest of the film i think the girl will be stalked and found which will destroy her both mentally and physically"
"The two girls die in the end and are stalked by the scary person"
"The stalker would stalk the two girls and eventually would get killed"
"The dark figure will torment the girls and they will become trapped in their own house"
"Girls will be kidnapped, friends at party will be looking for them"
"They will carry on getting chased by the figure and eventually be killed"
"Girls will become in danger will be trying to get away from the person, possibly kill her"

From these results the opening scene has showed the audience that the two girls are the victims which is what actually happened throughout the film, however only one girls dies. Only one person who answered predicted this, meaning we have succeeded in misleading the audience. This means when they realize the truth towards the end of the film a bigger shock factor will be created, making our film more successful.

Question Four
Do you feel the use of a soundtrack and sound effects has contributed to creating atmosphere and tension for our opening scene?

Yes - 8
No - 2

From our results 80% of the people we asked agreed that a soundtrack and sound effects contributed well to creating an atmosphere, this shows that it is a good thing to use within our movie and does help to create a thriller effect.

Only 20% of people asked said that they thought the soundtrack didn't contribute, this could be as they didn't like the sounds or just felt it was not needed within the film.

Question Five
On a scale of one to ten could you rate how successful you think our opening scene is:

one-0 five-3 nine-0
two-0 six-3 ten-0
three-0 seven-2
four-0 eight-2

From our results you can see that people mostly went for a score between 5 and 8 this is positive for us as it mean it was successful, it worked but could have been better.

Question Six
Could you give us some feedback explaining what you like and didn't like etc

Peoples answers to question six varied and it was an open question which couldn't be put into a graph, the majority of people said we could improve on how smoothly the film run. This is a very valid comment to say and we have taken it on board for when we produce our next piece of media work. A few other people mentioned that the continuity of the film could have been better, this is vital in a film and we have also thought about how we could make this better. If the continuity is good it also means the film may run more smoothly.

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