Friday 11 February 2011


The next step within our media is to upload and edit our footage, to create and edit our film we are using Premiere Elements 7.0. This software is the only avaible one we know how to use successfully and is relatively simple to use which will allow us to easily edit our footage.

We decided to edit our footage as a group, we think this is best as this way we each can put our ideas across and let other member of the group know what we do and don't like and are able to change it quickly together, rather than having to go through everything again after the individual has finished editing.

After opening the premiere elememts a screem shows like the one on the left, and asks you to name your project and search for a place in your documents to save it.
It is encouraged to save you prject with and appropriate name and save in a place you will know as it means you can find it easily and it's more likely that you won't loose it.

Once our footage was uploaded we deleted the selected scenes we knew wasn't going to be needed at all within our film. We then also took time to create the correct sequence so that shots didn't get mixed up and we knew which scene came after the next etc and whether it was the right one. This is as we have many scenes in the same place but with the characters saying different things if we don't make sure they are in the right place the conversation taking place would not make sense.

This is a screen shot of what the premiere elemts program looks like once you have uploaded your film and are ready to edit.
The small boxes on the right clips of our film. To put them in place we simply drag them to the small box on the bottom left of the screen.

We are then able to cut the shots into place and watch it all all the way through to see how it flows before editing further. Once we cut all of our clips in the correct places we then added titles and sounds to give a better effect and atmosphere of a thriller.

As we used a soundtrack off youtube, we had to contact the created of the clip in order to follow the copyright laws.
"Copyright is a of exclusive rights granted to the author or creator of an origional work, icluding the right to copy, distribute and adapt the work" -Wikipedia
If we did not do so it is likely that we can get into trouble for copying an artists work therefore we composed and sent an e-mail to the company.

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