Tuesday 8 February 2011


In order to start filming we made sure we had access to a camera, we booked a camera on the 2nd of January in order for us to begin filming when appropriate. We used a Digital Camcorder and did all of our clips on various different dates on this one camera.

The people who appeared in our film are three members of our group. Katie and Honor (the two main girls) and Amelia (the scary person.) We decided to use the members of our group as we believed we would take it more seriously and would be able to put our thriller film across better as we scripted it and knew how we wanted it to go. As i was not in the film i was in charge of filming and made sure we got clips we were able to use.

Our first day of filming was on the 10th of January, we can only film when dark which is a disadvantage, and meant on this day we were only able to film the inside shots as it was not as dark as we would have expected or liked.
Instead of filming outside we filmed the scenes in the bathroom, bedroom and games room we managed to get all of these shot in this one day and therefore only needed to finish the outside shots to be able to begin editing.

The next day we filmed was the 31st of January this was our last filming session we had to get our Media Main Task piece finished. We left it late and was running out of the time due to group memebers having work and rarely getting a day with all of us together.
We managed to get the rest of our filming done in the session and are not ready to begin editing and sorting our clips.

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